Hi we had this request…
(name removed by Moderator), scout id #######, show in on our roster in my.scouting, but does not show in scoutbook. The rest of the AOL crossovers seem to be ok, so I’m not sure why he isn’t listed. The others showed up last week on Tuesday or Wednesday. I waited a few days to see if it would correct itself, but no change.
-(name removed by Moderator), Troop 117 Advancement Chair
I did some research and and thought i found a solution…
n Scout Book open up the roster, scroll down to the bottom of the roster page and see if (name removed by Moderator) needs to be assigned to a den or patrol.
A Key 3 can look under their My Account and then click on My Connections. If the scout is listed there they can just click on the scouts name and membership and add a joined date. Some scouts will show up there when they don’t show up in the unit roster or unit connections.
If neither or those work he might have been assigned an end date (sometimes that happens )
This was his response…
We were able to change his membership date, but he still doesn’t show “completely” in scoutbook. I can use the drop down list of scouts and see his name. But he doesn’t show when I look at the patrol list. And if I try to enter a merit badge, it kicks me out to the home screen.Maybe related, there is a scout who moved last year (name removed by Moderator) who shows on the drop down list of scouts as part of another troop (in another council) but not on the roster. Not sure how to remove him since we did enter an end date for him. -(name removed by Moderator)
Can you please advise. I have no clue how to help - also Us council employees need some training from you guys!