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Scout has a current BSA membership. She is current in my.scouting.org Roster, but is not showing in scoutbook troop roster. The only way we see her account in scoutbook is by going to my connections which shows that she is a member of Troop118G. Scoutbook also says there are 11 scouts but only shows 10.
@Marinel_RamonaDealdo - you see her in Your connection list, can you click on her and look at the membership section. When you look at the troop page where the patrols are is she listed as a scout not in a patrol
Hello, we are missing two scouts in Scoutbook and Scoutbook Plus, but they do show in our roster at myscouting.org. Their BSA IDs are: 14624219 and 14624241
They are not new or transferred and have both renewed. Thanks for any help you can offer.
My name is Tracy Rohrdanz,
(removed by Moderator)
Pack 301, Frontier District, Laurel Highlands Council