Scout Left Troop to Ship Now Multiple Accounts

Sorry I wasn’t sure how to title this but my son recently left a troop but registered with a ship in the same council. I am not quit sure how to word the next part so bare with me.

He has his scoutbook account that is no longer assigned to a troop which has all his information
SB User ID:
BSA Member ID:

The skipper of the ship let me know that my son is now in scoutbook on the ship but when i went and looked none of his information like his profile picture or his awards he had earned with the troop where showing up. Then I noticed that the account for my son on the ship has a totally different SB User ID and no BSA Member ID.
SB User ID:
BSA Member ID:

I am not sure what else to say so please feel free to ask me questions, I appreciate any help i can get on this one.


Your son is not currently registered with any unit. Please submit an application for his membership in the ship. Include his BSA Member ID (MID) on the application so the council does not generate an additional MID.

I have merged the Scoutbook IDs.

oh interesting we’ve paid our dues and everything. Is possible maybe some paper work just hasn’t been entered in yet? The skipper told us last night we were registered with the ship. we filled out forms and the whole 9


It could be the registration has not been processed. If you turned in a paper application, you may want to call the Council and ask.

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will do, thank you! i’ll contact the skipper and council. Appreciate your help!

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