Welcome! This forum has a treasure trove of great info – Scouters helping Scouters! Just a heads up, though - all content, information, and opinions shared on this forum are those of the author, not the BSA.
We have 1 scout in our troop that for some reason keeps having their membership ended. I though it was an overnight process, but it took less than 8 hours for him to get removed from our unit today. There is clearly an automated process running as the Notes/Comment in his membership shows: DateEnded by SP ExpireInvalidYouthUPsCreatedinSB after 90 Day Lapse
The scout is valid and registered with the council - what does this mean and how can this be fixed? I tried SB support and didn’t get a good response.
Not sure I don’t have member manager access to the troop yet (I took a leadership position but still transitioning from pack to troop). Any idea on where I go to get my my.scouting.org access updated? Is that a council request or something BSA needs to do?
After you are registered with the troop, one of the troop’s Key 3 (Scoutmaster, Committee Chair, Chartered Org. Rep.) can use the Organization Security Manager at my.Scouting Tools to designate you as a Key 3 Delegate or a Unit Advancement Chair.
Please note that these functional positions (such as Key 3 Delegate and Unit Advancement Chair) expire at the end of each year, and the Key 3 will need to redesignate them after recharter is processed.