Scout missing in attendance


The first item has previously been requested. The problems that come up include determining who is invited. For example, unit meetings invite all youth, but possibly not all adults (e.g. maybe unit leader and assistant unit leaders, but not committee members, parents at the pack level but likely not for troops and crews), and that that timing of adding people can be incompatible with the timing for the event (e.g. inviting people to events that have to be registered for long in advance).

One issue with the second item is how folks unintentionally dropped from units (e.g. errors at recharter or mistakes by unit scouters or parents ending memberships trying to move from one subunit to another) get handled. Having to manually re-add someone to events can be cumbersome.

The good news is that both of these tasks can be semi-automated using the Feature Assistant Extension: Feature Assistant - What is it?