Scout not in the my.scouting unit's roster suddenly appeared in SB

Hello! I am trying to help a Cubmaster with a scout in Scoutbook that they don’t know who is it. They checked their official roster in my.scouting and that scout is not there, they didn’t accept any application with the scout’s name, and the scout is not in the council’s system. Scout doesn’t have a BSA member id in SB, only a SB user ID, which is 13543687. How can this be fixed? Thank you for all you do!


Your Cubmaster or other Scoutbook unit admin can go to the Scout’s membership and add an end date to remove the Scout from the unit.

@scouter_marisol There is no BSA member ID number, so a Pack Admin should be able to delete it.

Edited to add: Did the Cubmaster check with other Pack Admins / Den Admins to see if any of them added the Scout?

Yes, they don’t have any idea of who is the scout. They also contacted the council and the council doesn’t have that scout in the system at all. I will tell the CM to put an end date. Thank you!

@scouter_marisol - they can just delete the scout. Could have been a prospect that was entered

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