I have a scout (140429757) whose showing on our official roster, in my.scouting, but isn’t showing in SB. She was showing in SB a few days ago. How can I get her back into SB?
@KellaSwift is a little odd - the Scout has MID 140588354 was registered in same unit - but they opted out with that MID - so that changed SB in 10/24 - should be back in 24 hours
Interesting. Well thanks for the help! I’ll check SB tomorrow evening.
Same issue: Scout renewed 12/17, appears in my.scouting.org, but is NOT in my Scoutbook
BSA ID = 13714842
The Scout’s membership was ended by you on 12/31/24 with a note that per the father, the Scout was not returning. Since the Scout has been renewed for 2025, I have requested a position sync. Check back after 4:00 PM Eastern today.
I also discovered the Scout had 2 Scoutbook IDs which I have merged and a my.scouting.org ID with another BSA Member ID. I have placed his primary ID 11634492 on his my.scouting.org ID as primary. The Scout can log in to Scoutbook using his my.scouting.org ID and password.
Yep. That would be my mistake because I was tracking/confusing scouts BSA ID. oops. Thanks!
I have a similar situation with Scout 140819498.
He is in my.scouting roster, but the system put an end date on his membership. So he disappeared from our Unit and his Parents’ profiles.
I added him to myself as my child, and with my Key 3 status, I could edit his profile and remove the End Date. Bam! he is active again.
Low and behold 3 days later, he is auto-ended again. His membership doesn’t expire until 1/31/25, plus we have begun the renewal process through our council for him as well.
In addition, various (not all) scouts in my troop are having their leadership positions automatically ended as well. Any Idea why this is happening?
Is there a message in the Optional Notes field under the scout’s membership in Scoutbook? That might provide some indications of where to start looking at cause.
DateEnded by SP ExpireInvalidYouthUPsCreatedinSB after 3 Month Lapse
I don’t know what that means.
@BrianSackmann that scout is in the Skunk Patrol in SB?
SP ExpireInvalidYouthUPsCreatedinSB after 3 Month Lapse
That’s actually really good (albeit cryptic) information!
“SP” - This indicates it was a (typically automated) script that took the action
“ExpireInvalidYouthUPsCreatedinSB” - This means that the Scoutbook account was created in Scoutbook (as opposed to being automatically created via a push from the official membership database) but did not correctly associate with an actual scout on the official roster. I’ve had this happen where the Scoutbook account was created using the scout’s nickname (for example) but the scout was registered under their legal name, or due to typos on one end or the other (e.g. the birth dates or name spellings didn’t match).
“after 3 Month Lapse” - There’s a delay on these automated expirations since some units have added scouts to Scoutbook as soon as they got the application from the parents, but the council hasn’t yet processed the new scout/transfer application. However, the delay is from the date that the membership was initially created, so when the script runs daily, it finds a date more than three months ago and expires the membership.