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I have a scout in Scoutbook that shows up with this message
The BSA Member ID is 140203707, which does not show in the my.Scouting roster. The member was created by a scout’s parent as I worked to move the scout with ID 134346753 from a Pack to my Troop.
I believe removing BSA Member ID 140203707 is what needs to be done. Unfortunately the name used by ID 140203707 has the scout’s name entered as he wishes it to be, while ID 134346753 lacks the III suffix and has the scouts Cubscout recirds.
Thank you for all you do.
PS I’m a bit confused by some things in the Forum. I first entered a post about this issue a couple weeks ago and got no response which surprised me since normally responses are extremely fast.
I entered it again 3 days ago again with no response, but now I realize it was entered with Council 173 and Troop 0118B. My troop and council, but I’m wondering if posting there does not get the attention of the Scoutbook User Advisory Council personnel? May I ask what is the intended purpose of a Council/unit forum?
I just noticed that the dad in Scoutbook and scout in Internet advancement have the same primary email address. I cannot view the dad’s profile. I know in the past using the same email has caused problems.
I see the scout has a school email showing, but not marked primary, and I know the email they both have is one the dad has used in the past. If you think this wiull cause issues can you let me know and I will switch to the scout to hos school address?
@StanleyHuhman I see a different e-mail (hotmail) for the dad at my.scouting. Your local council can sync it, if that’s the e-mail the dad wants to use.
Interesting. I’m guessing it is the same hotmail address he shares with his wife outside of scouting, although now it appears they might share is for scouting as well since that is the address she has when I view the page that comes up when I click on her name when I have that scout’s Roster page up. Does Dad show up with a Jr suffice? That is what they would like his name to read in Scoutbook. If so, I could discuss name changes for both of them with our Council, though it might be useful to have dad’s BSA member ID to give them.
Maybe I’ve mentioned this before but the email that the scout has marked as primary in Scoutbook is one I’ve known Dad to use outside Scouting. If (after consulting with the family) I change the scout’s primary email in Scoutbook to the other one he has in his Scoutbook profile and remove the email known to be his dad’s from the scout’s profile will that change the scout’s email in in my.Scouting?
Does it cause problems that mom and dad share an email address?