Scout only able to view prior Council's Scoutbook

We had a scout that transferred to our troop last year from a different Council. We did all the appropriate paperwork and he ended up being in scoutbook twice. After working with our council registrar, we had it fixed back in November. He and his family are now having issues with his account so not sure what changed. Below is the scout’s information:

BSA #137160177

It appears that when he logs into scoutbook, he ends up seeing his old Council account even though everything we are seeing is for his current council and the his former Council account/membership was ended on 11/1/2020. He is unable to email, RSVP, or do anything when it comes to our troop in scoutbook.

@ThunderChief This should be fixed now.

However, the Scout’s mom is using his e-mail address in Scoutbook. I added his e-mail, so he should be able to receive e-mails now.

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