Scout present in my.scouting but not scoutbook

I had a new scout who accidentally registered twice with our pack. He was visible in scoutbook until we realized he had two different IDs. His duplicate membership was expired by our council, but now he is no longer visible in Scoutbook, Originally I hoped it would sync and then re-appear, but it’s been a month and he’s still not present. I tried to transfer him (can’t because he’s already in our Pack) and I tried finding him in connection manager. He’s not there either. Our council is still trying to recover from Helene, so any help/advice you can offer would be greatly appreciated.
Scout E.B #141172374 (expired # 141193101)

@KennethKnapp I have requested a position sync. The Scout should be back on your pack roster, but you will need to re-assign the Scout to a den.

Please let us know if the Scout does not show up within 24 hours.

@JenniferOlinger. Thanks, I’ll let you know.

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