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I’m trying to put into Scoutbook’s “Quick Pick Edit for Merit Badge Counselors” completed requirements for a scout, but for some reason, he isn’t showing up in my list of scouts.
However, when I look at “Quick Entry for Merit Badge Requirements” and “MB in Progress - MBC View” he does show up.
I verified with the scoutmaster that I am assigned as his counselor, and he doesn’t know why the scout shows up in one list, but not the other.
All my other scouts are showing up correctly.
Has anyone run into this issue before? Any thoughts on how to solve it?
Yes, it has. I had a meeting with a group and did the bulk update just fine. He is just not showing up when I try to update him individually, though. All my other scouts in the merit badge are showing up, though.
Where do you see “Quick Pick Edit for Merit Badge Counselors”? That was the name for an old extension feature that has been retired for some time. I’m guessing you don’t have auto-update on for the extension - I would make sure you get it updated.
–edited - sorry - that IS a native SB function now - LOL - they used the same header text I had in the extension earlier!
@BrianEpstein I have replicated the issue you are seeing and have reported it to the developers. It is happening for Scouts who are over the age of 18 and are registered as Unit participants.