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I’ve got a scout that just bridged last month and our CC alerted me to the fact that he has 16 merit badges marked complete and leader approved. Obviously, there’s been some error, so I looked at the audit log report. Supposedly, the earliest were earned the same time as some Bear requirements. Was there some error or re-use of requirement Ids? The scout’s Id in Scoutbook is 9744439.
Thank you,
David Oksner
Advancement Chair
Troop 489
I have confirmed that cub scouts can “earn” merit badges via the internet advancement file upload. Was your unit previously using a 3rd party advancement tracking software?
First of all, it wasn’t our unit, it was the cub unit. But I was previously part of that unit and they’ve been using Scoutbook since I set them up on it around 2019. I spoke to the Cub Unit Advancement Chair last night (her son bridged to our troop) and she assures me that she never saw anything regarding Merit Badges. It was all cub requirements.
And someone at our council already removed the entries, so we may never know how it happened.
Isn’t the policy that Once they are signed off, they are signed off?
Eagle at 12. Just fast track the kid.
Maybe he went with someone older to a merit badge day (Buy a MB).
Kid will be the envy of the Troop.
Definitely can use that for recruiting.
Sorry, but there are just so many fun ways this could go.