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I am trying to activate Scoutbook Advancement Sync, but the Verify Yourself option says it cannot verify my account. I am the Pack Admin and Cubmaster. I’m using the same credentials I use to log into Scoutbook and my.Scouting.org. I even manually entered them at each place to make sure I was correct with what my saved passwords are. I keep getting an error that my login can’t be verified with my.scouting.org.
Is there any way for someone to enable it for us? The verify option is the last step for us to turn it on.
Yes I am using scoutbook.scouting.org. It says my Pack’s advancement sync is not active. I go to Edit Pack and scroll to the bottom and the 4 check boxes, the Verify Account box is unchecked. When I click that it wants my my.scouting.org username and password to verify. I enter it and it says it is unable to verify.