Update sync with Troop

As a Cubmaster we used ScoutBook from the beginning. Now in a troop. They set up ScoutBook years ago but then abandoned it due to glitches. I am using it today to do Advancement but most of the current ranks are incorrect. Is ScoutBook not syncing with Scoutnet?

I approved a bunch of old MBs and such to clear the reports to enter the upcom8ng COH info. Is that going to mess up any syncing with Scoutnet?

If you don’t see the advancements they were never entered into the national system

I was doing the advancement directly in Scoutnet so I know they were up to date. I found some other issues when I first took the position so had created a spreadsheet of everything. 1 scout was not approved so he was not above Tenderfoot and he is now life. There was years of things “to be awarded” which I had to do to clear the reports.

So if I did any awarding will it take out is full history of years of work in Scoutnet?


There is no way to get reports out of the old Internet Advancement as it has been disabled for Troops and Packs You will need to send an e-mail to scoutbook.support@scouting.org with the Scout’s name, BSA#, council and unit and a description of the issue.

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