Somehow my Scoutbook email got changed somewhere between June 7, 2023 and June 10, 2023. My troop communicates with parents using Scoutbook, and it’s very important that this gets corrected before my boys miss out on something else. I followed the instructions on Scoutbook to change my email address by going to my Internet Advancement Profile page at I changed it and it said to expect it to take up to one day for it change in Scoutbook. It has now been almost two weeks and it has still not changed. Is this a known issue and should I just be patient or do I need to contact someone about this issue?
Changing it in the profile in either IA or should change all
Systems immediately.
I don’t know what happened. I forced your Scoutbook e-mail address to sync from the other DBs. I also fixed your e-mail address in the forums.
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