Scoutbook issue- scout not being matched to a scout in our unit roster

I have a scout that has not been matched with my unit. How do I get him matched so that we can get him his personal access to Scoutbook?

Is the a out officially registered? Do they appear on your roster in

He is registered but his BSA #'s is not included under his name in Scoutbook or internet advancement. How do I get this updated?

@MarianneSmith - how about on the roster at

what is the BSA # @MarianneSmith

BSA # 129635082 asdf

I don’t know where to find the roster on
Can you please tell me where?

Found it… and yes they are in roster but as the wrong gender. Right BSA number.

@MarianneSmith - you can remove the scout name…

I don’t want to remove them… I need them in the troop. Trying to get the scout their own access.

@MarianneSmith - I was referring to your post which included the scout name :slight_smile:

Well you need to be more careful with this - this mother somehow got herself assigned to her Scouts BSA # and Scoutbook account - we are trying to figure the best way to clean it up

OK this is fixed - you may need to unapprove and reapprove the Scouts membership in Scoutbook to get it to sync

Thank you. Please let me know what I can do to assist. I am not sure how she got herself assigned to his account. I directed parents to log into their accounts to give access to their scout in scoutbook. It would be easier if the admins for the troop could give rights to the scouts. But I understand why by youth protection that isn’t available.

Are you able to resend the link to the mother for her account? I am not sure how else to get access to the scout since the parent has to request it.

the parent is still connected – as are you

Ok, I will see if she can go in now and send the link under edit profile to link her son. Just trying to get each scout their own access to scoutbook and only the parent can allow that.

Parent went in and still cannot access the portion of her child’s profile that allows the scout to have access. There is a button that is supposed to be there to switch on to allow access and enter an email and it isn’t there. How do we get this fixed?

well they can backdoor it by going to - do not log in but create account > use the Scout’s info > that log in then can be used for Scoutbook once it is matched up

Looks like Ryan is not connected again to our Troop. Is this because his mother’s email address is associated to him in And if she logs in, it disconnects Ryan?

I’m sorry for all the questions. This is truely a unique case and it is getting a little confusing.