Advancement and Purchase Report failure

I haven’t been able to print my Advancement Purchase Report for a at least 2 weeks. I use regular Scoutbook like we are supposed to and it just reloads the main page.
WHY?! I needed those numbers!

Also, earlier this month, I had put advancement in while we were Cabin Camping and when I come back, it was all changed to “Awarded”. No, I approved it. I do the normal Awarded change after the awarding happens.
Chicanery is abound!


Are you trying to run the Needs Purchasing report for your troop or pack? Your Unit Advancement Chair role for the pack was ended on 1/21/25 and will need to be restored. From what I see in the database, you should be able to run Needs Purchasing for the Troop.

Damn it! I told them to put me down as a committee member. It’s because I am stepping down as Cubmaster but staying on as Advancement.


Any of the Key 3 members can log in to and use Position Manager to make you Unit Advancement Chair. The next day you will have the appropriate role in Scoutbook.