As of 1/19/2020 I am the advancement chair for our Pack. We’re having Blue/Gold this weekend, and I’ve been trying to get everything in order to take to the scout shop and do my purchasing. I am also the Webelo Den Leader. This morning, I updated several completed requirements in my den and approved them. I’m trying to access the needs purchasing report to add them to the PO, but everytime I click it it takes me back to my dashboard. I can get to the needs awarded report, and have actually found that several items that need awarded are not on my open PO. I am also advancement chair for our Troop, and am listed as an admin on their scoutbook account.
The Admin in one unit but not the other is probably the issue - that has happened in the past. See if a pack admin can make you an admin and see if that resolves the issue.
Thank you. I actually had already contacted an admin and asked him to do that, guess I’ll wait till he does and try again. Will that automatically give me connections to the scouts in the other dens? Because right now I’m not connected, and that’s making it impossible to get to their stuff.
Well that is another matter. Being Unit Admin gives full control access to all Scouts in a unit. You could have never done your job if not connected to all scouts
That may also contribute to the issue you are having. Also make sure that you have that role assigned in and in scoutbook.
Sorry, now I’m confused. How does one assign someone the advancement chair position on MyScouting?
@ShannonFry - The CubMaster, Committee Chair or Charter Org Rep would have to log into my.scouting, then go to the unit, then Organization Security Manager and assign you as Unit Advancement Chair.
This appears to have been the solution. Thank you!