Actually I believe BSA has me in the system with 3 different BSA Member IDs. However, I only have one Scoutbook account and one login via I have Northeastern PA Council set as my primary.
In order for me to get on either Council’s MBC List, I was required to submit independent applications to each of them. And since the MBC thing is new territory for me, and I’m a rather busy person, I wanted to limit my availability to just the 2 local troops near me to make sure I wasn’t overextending myself and not able to give 100%. Just happens that one Troop is in Minsi Council, and one is Northeastern PA. Both had slightly different application processes and limitations.
Then you will need to list all of your BSA Member IDs in via Menu → Manage Member ID then switch the one for the Scoutbook account you want to log in to as primary. Each time you want to log in to the other Scoutbook account, you will need to first go to and switch the Primary Member ID.
As said previously, all 3 BSA IDs are shown and connected in my 1 my.scouting site login already. I only have one Scoutbook account.
OK, we have 2 choices here.
- you set your listing preference to Any Council (Worldwide).
- We get a 2nd Scoutbook account created with your other MID. When you want to switch between them, you will need to change the Primary setting in Note this 2nd account must have a different e-mail address than your current account.
Let me know what solution you wish to pursue as I believe I will need to work with the developers to get a 2nd account created.
Did you get this error today? That was a bug that was supposed to have been fixed. I’ll need to get the developers to look at it again.
I might be wrong but the minsi council one does not show as Council approved as all should now the end dated penn counselor one has the correct verbiage. I had this issue a few months back when transitioning to Council uploaded for a council that merged into ours his old unit entered position was stuck there.
Last night was the last time I checked, and it was still giving me the error message. I just checked again. Yes, it has been fixed. Thank you so much!
I’m trying to understand why I would need a 2nd Scoutbook account.
You said you want to restrict your listing preference to Troop A in one council and Troop B in another council. Scoutbook does not have the ability to do this. The listing preferences are:
Any Council
Council (your’s)
District (in your council)
Unit (in your council)
Since you want to cross Councils, your only options are Any Council or to use 2 Scoutbook accounts, one for each BSA Member ID as Scoutbook only supports a single MID per account.
Even if I’m seeing both Troops in my Dashboard already?
I can go into either, Admin Controls on my T158B, or as Parent/MBC in T89B, depending on what I select.
Well, I spoke too soon. I changed my status to “worldwide,” but now when I go back into my account, I no longer see the “My Merit Badge Counseling” menu that allows me to do quick entry for MBs and I no longer have the that lets me know that SB recognizes me as an MBC. I do have blue check marks on my approved badges.
So, does this mean that SB no longer recognizes me as an MBC?
Yes, the reason you can see both troops on your dashboard is because you are connected to both troops either as a leader or a parent of a scout in each troop.
The MBC search function is looking at which council in your profile. You can only have 1 council so you can only restrict yourself to units in that council.
We found a problem with your MBC entry in the DB. The developers will be fixing the issue. After that is fixed, I expect you will see the My MBC section on your dashboard.
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Thank you, Ed! Will this also fix the issue of Scoutbook not showing all my approved merit badges?
Possibly. We are seeing some strange things in ScoutNet with your MBs so that may be another problem.
Please check again. The setting that was incorrect on your MBC position has been fixed.
Yes! It is fixed and I am listed as eligible to work with Scouts worldwide. Thank you so much!
Now, what can be done to get my remaining MBs listed in SB? Let me know how I can help.
Thank you again for all your hard work.
I requested your positions to sync again so hopefully it will pull in your MBs. Please check Friday morning and let me know.
I checked my SB account and I do not see my remaining badges.