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I have a den leader that says the work around is working for him. So for me it may just be a permissions issue with the rolls that i have. I was just expecting to be able to do it since i had the permissions in regular scoutbook.
However this doesn’t explain why i was able to enter in 2 adventures for my son and his peers for summer camp. Also, why i am not able to enter in more or see the adventures for my own son in either my parrent roll or my leadership roll.
@JosephReinsma Scoutbook works off of connections, so if you are are an adult leader and you are connected to a Scout in your unit with Edit Advancement or Full Control, then you can enter and mark advancements as completed and approved. Scoutbook Plus is supposed to go off of registered positions and functional roles.
I am having the same problem with a scout. I entered an advancement using Quick Entry and then all the advancements under the CURRENT ADVANCEMENTS disappears. They still appear for all my other scouts except the one where I used quick entry. I have tried everything I can think off and it still is missing for this scout. I even had another person look at it on their account and they are missing for him too. On the phone app, I see adventures for this cub scout. But the phone app is missing a few of the new adventures (Let’s Camp, Race Time). Any thing else you can think of?
The exact same thing happened to me. After adding two adventures for my AOL son the system stops working. I also get a message that says “It seems we are experiencing temporary issues with our servers. Would you like to switch to Offline Mode and synchronize your changes later?”, although I am able to enter adventures for other Scouts.
I have tried entering my son’s adventures as Parent and as Cubmaster. The only work around so far has been to manually change the URL.
Update: The work around no longer works. I used it to enter one more adventure, but now that trick just takes me back to the main profile page with the View More buttons. This is a really frustrating bug and I hope there is an actual fix soon.