Scoutbook Plus Events Not Sending Email

Scoutbook Plus is not sending emails when events are created. I also tried to add a comment to the event and checked the box to send an email with the new comment. I received the email, but I’ve checked with multiple parents that have all confirmed they did not receive the email. Junk mail was reviewed. How do I resolve this issue?


Did you invite anyone to the event?

Yes 75 youth and 89 adults.

On the Comments - that feature is in development - the selection was just released early

I don’t believe that to be true - I received the email. I also get event emails from the den leader for my son’s den. I am the only one that seems to be receiving them.

@EmilyJelinek - the calendar does not automatically send an email when an event is created. The emails are generated and sent via the reminders within the event.

Thank you @Stephen_Hornak. This is the missing piece of information I needed. I selected the option to send a reminder ASAP and confirmed from multiple parents that the email was received. Appreciate the guidance!

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