I have 2 units and I tried myself and all we can come up with to work is–If you run the “Recognition Report” then on that report under "Summary " at the bottom of that page you will get what would usually be on the purchase order in a great view to show to the Scout Shop -however the usual Purchase Order that normally would be generated from Scoutbook is just not available in Scoutbook Plus for the Pack to use anymore as -it comes up blank when you go to try and use that. *Is this already being looked into or is this just no longer available and the Packs need to do a work around?
@ChristineMaurer - as announced - that feature is not 100% functional - use Legacy Scoutbook (scoutbook.scouting.org) Unit > Reports > Needs purchasing - to get POs. In fact all the Legacy NEEDS Reports are still the way to go - Approval/Purchasing/Awarding
OK–Just to make note–when the 2 other packs went back to Scoutbook to try and use as explained, and ran the Purchasing, it is a blank report.
You can look at Closed POs - depending on actions in SB+ it sometimes generates and closes a Report (which is part of the issue.)
Thanks for the info, Donovan, but the average Cub Scout volunteer is busy trying to run a den or pack and has no idea what is “as announced” in Scoutbook Plus. In my experience with other organizations, software improvements are developed and tested off-line in a “playground” or “test site” until they are ready to go, and only then do the users see them. Why isn’t that happening with Scoutbook Plus? The constant confusion and changes among my.scouting, Scoutbook, and Scoutbook Plus are easily in the top three frustrations of unit volunteers with the national BSA right now, and it seems like there are ways these frustrations could be reduced. I do realize that this should get somewhat better eventually whenever Scoutbook and Scoutbook Plus are fully merged.
We have asked the developers to remove the function from SB+ until it is fixed but as volunteers we have no control over what BSA IT actually does.
As for the “as announced” statement, we have posted many times in the forums to use the Legacy Scoutbook Needs reports, not the pending button in SB+.
@PeterCollinge - it was announced on 12 September
Thanks, Ed, I appreciate the volunteers in these forums, and I understand that you have no control over BSA IT. But 95%+ of unit volunteers have no idea that these forums even exist. I’m expressing my frustration that BSA IT releases dysfunctional software to the public and thus frustrates the very unit volunteers who we depend on to serve our members. The IT folks need to do better, and not just depend on forum volunteers to try to communicate to leaders and to clean up the messes.