Scoutbook send message

I am looking into using the Send Message function in Scoutbook, but i am seeing a few problems. first one is not all Scouts show in the Youth Members area, even the one I know for sure has a phone number listed in his profile, my child, though his number is mine since he doesn’t have his own number yet. Another problem is in the Cub scout pack i am a leader of a Scout is listed from the troop i am a Leader of. Thirdly when i ask parents to check the box for allow BSA to send messages can i assure them that this check mark is only for unit leaders to send reminders and unit specific text, and not spam messages from Scouting America?

@RobertWillhelm Scouts do not show there unless they have been invited by parents AND they have signed in at least once

okay, I know my son has been invited and has signed in, but he is not showing

hmmm - he has signed into Scouting App - not sure if that triggers the same as the Website.

well now he’s signed into both after having to reset his password, and find his user ID, since it didn’t like his google account anymore.

I see your son logged in at my.Scouting, but not Scoutbook.

To log in to Scoutbook, he needs to log in at:

also noticed that you can’t set the cell phone carrier from the profile page in

@RobertWillhelm issues need to be reported to your Council. You should be able to set the cell carrier from the profile page in which you can get to from and clicking on My Account → Edit Profile.

Is this scout a den chief?

Yes he is, so that makes some sense. Though the fact he doesn’t show up under youth in troop doesn’t.

Is that your son or one of the other scouts?

the Scout who is a Den Chief shows up in the Pack under youth but not in the troop under youth.

Understood. What is the scout’s member number?

134498761 is the youths scout number

They have only logged into the mobile app. They need to log into in order to appear under send messages for the troop.

I’m not sure why they appear under the pack. That actually seems like a bug to me. Can you confirm that when you access their account from both the pack and the troop side they have the same member number and scoutbook account number?

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i am not linked to him on the pack side so i can’t see his profile there, but on the troop side neither phone number is listed as mobile.

@RobertWillhelm - the mobile number is only applicable if you use the SMS option in messages. Beyond that what is required is the parent invites the scout and they log into in order to show up in the message list

The email address is the more applicable field. Plus whether they have ever logged into

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We are looking to utilize the SMS feature primarily. Most of the leadership and youth are more likely to see a text message then an email, and youth who don’t have their own number can put a parents number.

That’s fine, but they are required to have a valid email address in order to activate their account.

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