Scout does not see other scouts to email

We have a Scout in our Troop who when he goes to messages only sees leaders and parents listed. It says he has no contact with scouts. How do we fix it so he can email other scouts?


Do the adult leaders (e.g. SM) see other scouts in the Send Message interface? Scouts only appear in the messaging interface if (1) their parent/guardian invites them to connect to their account, and (2) they actually log in to their account. Until each scout actually logs in once, they will not appear on the list, even if invited to connect by their parent.

What is the scout’s bsa member number?

He has an account because he can log in so I assume his parents granted it. He also has an email listed in his profile. He does not show up in the list of scouts who can receive mail and he does not see any scouts he can email to, but he can see parents and leaders in the email composer.

He has an account and email address configured, and can log in, he showed me his account. He just can’t email any scouts.

@EmilyRepperger - are you saying that he can log into ? If he is not showing up for adults on the list of scouts then he has not connected to his account and logged into scoutbook itself.

I think I wasn’t clear about which scout I meant. Both the scout sending messages (who I think is the one you’re talking about in this post) and all scouts to whom he wants to send messages need to have accounts (i.e. the “set up by parents” step) and to have logged in to those accounts at least once.

@EmilyRepperger this scout has no account to log in - what I think is he is using the Fathers Account to log in - and the father is not connected to any Scout therefore does not see any scouts in messages


We have many scouts with accounts that he should be able to email and other scout and leaders can email them. He just doesn’t see any listed.

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This Scout does not have a username (login) and has never logged in to Scoutbook.

Okay let me check with him on that. I didn’t see the exact login I just saw him in scoutbook. Thanks,

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@EmilyRepperger the Scout has no login - so if logging in it is not his account - looks like scout/mom/dad all share same email

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