Sending messages to the troop

We are trying to take advantage of the events and messaging features in scout book. But being that one of the intents of scouting at the troop level is to build independent individuals, we would like for the scouts to receive troop messages and calendar events, and learn to not rely entirely on their parents for their schedules (obviously parents would still be included in the messages too). But in using my own son to test messages and events, I can’t find a way to include the scouts in these communications. Is this just not possible? Or am I missing something?


@CaseyMiller1 - in order for the scouts to be included in messages etc, their parents would need to invite them. The parent would go to their scout, click on edit profile then scroll down, enter the scout email then click invite it think.

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Looking at my son’s info, I can’t find a place to enter an email address. And he already has set up his account with the Scouting app. The system looked him up by name and troop info, then sent me a request to grant him permission.

@CaseyMiller1 - can he log into scoutbook itself, and when you do a send message does he show up in the scout list ?

I don’t know if he can log in through the scoutbook website. I assume so but we haven’t tried it. When I send a message, none of the scouts show up as available to send to. But when I look at their profiles they don’t show email addresses either. I didn’t know if this was because none of the kids have email addresses or if there is just no way to include scouts in messages.

@CaseyMiller1 - if I go to the troop page > Send Message I get the list of Leaders, Parents and scouts. In the troop it gives me the 6 scouts who have been invited, connected and logged in. Likewise the same on the crew side.

So where am I missing the step to invite the scouts?

@CaseyMiller1 - that is a task done by the scout parent.

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Scoutbook will never show you scout email addresses in order to protect them. You can only add it for your own child.

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Well, right now I was only working with my own son’s account to try to figure out how it works. I finally found where the invite option is located. Thanks.

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