This is my first time using the forums. I tried to resolve this with my Council but they were stumped and said to see if the forums had any advice.
I have been a leader for years (Den Leader, Committee Chair, etc.). I was in Scoutbook and ScoutbookPlus on Monday entering and approving some requirements, but suddenly when I clicked in Scoutbook from one Scout to another, my whole interface changed. It basically dropped me completely from using Scoutbook. My units, tools, and my scouts all disappeared. All I have left in my dashboard is Admin/Account and ScoutbookPlus. The weirdest part is my entire back end still works. I can from my.scouting or the links in Scoutbook still go to and use properly my.scouting, ScoutbookPlus, Internet Advancement, etc.
Talking with Council, the SB User ID seems weird and they are having issues finding it in their system, but it does appear to be linked to my Member IDs (which are correct in my.scouting).
We are not sure how to correct this, any advice would help.