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How long should it take for changes in Scoutbook to show up on My.Scouting and the Online Re-charter?
Specifically i transferred my Arrow of Light scouts to their new troop. They still show on my Online Re-Charter roster and they are still on My.Scouting
There has been talk that Scoutbooks is suppose to talk to these other databases so we tried this to see if it really worked. Now we only did it Monday at 3 PM but was curious if the databases talk every night should they be gone now and it did not work or just needs more time.
Changing memberships in SB does nothing to the other databases. Scouts need to turn in new applications for their new units to the unit/council. once they are processed the Scouts memberships will change in Member Manager and Scoutbook.
As @DonovanMcNeil noted, the “sync” is one-way: Member Manager → Scoutbook. Member Manager is only updated by official changes with council (i.e. transfer/new member applications).
It generally takes 1-2 full days after a scout or leader appears on our official roster at my.scouting before he or she appears on our Scoutbook roster, assuming that the scout or adult hasn’t already been transferred in.
Ohh wow I totally misunderstood that in other posts. I thought they said the databases went back and forth… So follow up do you still need to go into Internet Advancement or does that talk to and from with Scoutbook?
So was there any point in transferring our AOL scouts in Scoutbooks to the troop? I thought in one of my other posts they said you can do that, so we did and that it would update every where else.
@CharleyHamilton When I do Internet Re-charter and change titles IE Committee Chairman will those titles change in scoutbooks then or do we still need to go in and change all the leaders around?
Titles for adults do change when they register or recharter, not if just done in Scoutbook. Advancements for youth change if using SB or IA. Memberships for youth (as paperwork is needed for insurance) only go one way from AKELA (membership in MYST) to Scoutbook
Also, it’s best to only use Scoutbook or IA2 for advancement, since they use the same advancement database. You can get some squirrely results if you try using both, depending on exactly what you do where.
If the troop uses Scoutbook, then it can be helpful to transfer the Scouts to the troop for communication and calendar purposes. If your council processes the paper transfer applications quickly (can’t do online transfers yet), then it might not make much difference.
Advancements data is two-way sync. Membership data is one way into Scoutbook only.
The reason some units want to transfer a membership within Scoutbook is it can take councils too long to process the application, and we want to get them into the communication loop ASAP.
There appears to be a problem when using the “Transfer In Scout” feature that was recently released by Scoutbook to allow units to begin communicating with scout families right away given the backlog of transfer applications & rechartering paperwork at the council level.
I used this feature (supplying the needed info) for the 5 Webelos that recently crossed over into my troop. Since then, council has been able to enter the transfer application on their end for 2 of these boys. I now have duplicate entries for them, each of their profiles show the same BSA ID # & personal info, and both records show “approved” (green checkmark) & “synced”. I unapproved the (2) records that I transferred in, only to find the next day they were appearing as “approved” again. The only difference between the records is that the ones I transferred in do not show the Arrow of Light & Cyber Chip icons the boys earned, but the records now entered by our council registrar do.
I will be reaching out to Scoutbook support to hopefully have these duplicate records merged, even though they have the same BSA ID #, name, DOB, address, etc.
This is not a Scoutbook error - the new applications must have had different data on them than what already existed in the Database. but Scoutbook.support@scouting.org can remedy it - make sure that they don’t have different BSA#s @TimothyOlsen
Check to make sure they don’t just have two current memberships in your unit (one in a patrol, one not in a patrol). That’s given me “duplicates” before.