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Once my den was advanced from Bear to Webelos, I can no longer access my son’s adventures in the Scouting app. Parents are unable to enter their scouts’ completed requirements if they can’t see the adventures.
Is anyone else experiencing this or know why this might be happening?
In the Scouting App I can see my son’s record, and I can see in the Advancements tab that he earned his Bear rank and that he is in a Webelos I den. In Scoutbook I can see his Webelos adventures just fine. In the Scouting App it reads “Congratulations! You have earned Bear and now working towards Webelos and Arrow of Light.” But if I click See All under “Webelos Adventures” it reads “There are no items to display.”
I really want my den to use the Scouting app, but this makes it unusable.
Agreed. I figured out how to see the required adventures, but I cannot see the elective adventures. I also verified this with another parent - they are seeing the same issue.
I submitted a bug through the app but haven’t heard anything.