"Scouting Organization" training module not working


I am trying to complete the training module titled “Scouting Organization” that is part of the Troop Committee learning plan for BSA. I have attempted to load this training on my home (MacBook with Safari and Chrome) and work (Windows with Chrome and Firefox) computers, with different browsers each time. The error code that shows in the frame where the training module usually loads is as follows:

AccessDenied`Access DeniedPSY3P2X5PJRATSWJaVGYj7e63S2YdKVVq4lNmR/hm21Yqw5ELkIDo35MT7Fc+vKKhNYWsyy7uTm4vN53oSW5d4Qshfk=

Hopefully this is an easy fix a developer could tweak so I can complete the Committee Member training plan?


Ryan H.

@RonaldBlaisdell @TimothyRogers I am getting this same error message when trying to access the SCO_481 Scouting Organization training module.

Issue is being worked by LMS vendor

| Jennifer Olinger JenniferOlinger Scoutbook User Advisory Council
October 1 |

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@RonaldBlaisdell @TimothyRogers I am getting this same error message when trying to access the SCO_481 Scouting Organization training module.


The module issue is resolved and now working.


Thank you! I was able to complete the training this afternoon.

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