Scouts Not in a Den

After our re-charter, Scoutbook is showing 31 scouts and adult leaders not in a den. However, these are scouts/adult leaders that already exist in the corresponding den. If you click on one of those records, it actually takes you to their record within a den. We are trying to clean up the roster in order to process all the end-of-year completions and advancements.

@GabrielDe_Mayo - are any of them showing multiple leaderships and or multiple memberships ?

It looks like alot of your youth have a pack and den membership - @GabrielDe_Mayo - end the pack membership and keep the den one

Thanks Donovan. That cleared the bulk of the scouts not in a den. Now we have to figure out where the remaining 4 scouts came from. I have pinged each den leader to see if anyone can “claim” them.

Well it looks like you have 1 more scout in roster than is in SB - but unit is so big have not figured it out yet

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