Scout's Swimming MB Reqs Displays Error Message

A Scout (SB User ID ******) is working on his Swimming MB. Several v2014 reqs have been marked completed, but I’m unable to view his v2014 page. Instead I get this error:

Whoops! We encountered an error trying to process your request.
Please go to Scoutbook Bugs - Scouting Forums to report this issue.

Attempting to generate a report for the Swimming MB for this one Scout results in an empty report even with “Show Empty Requirements” checked (ref: PD-20240822145811-612215-899363).

@MarkDezelon that sounds like a timeout error we have been seeing those - an Admin can go to Unit Roster and Clean Old Connections - that often helps.

Per your advice, I clicked “Clean Old Connections” on the roster page, which cleared out 43 or so connections. However the issue still persists.

This has actually been happening for a couple months (my fault for not submitting a ticket sooner). In this Scout’s Swimming MB page, I can access Swimming MB v2009, v2023 and v2024 record (all empty, as expected) without error, but the v2014 record results in the error. This only occurs with this Scout with this MB with v2014. I suspect it may be a data integrity issue.

@MarkDezelon not following that - how can you access the other versions if you cannot open the MB page? Can you use Quick Entry Requirements to get around it?

@MarkDezelon Could you try again, please?

I’m trying again today, Aug 27, going to [Unit] > [Patrol] > [Scout] > “Advancement” > “Swimming MB Requirements”, which defaults to the 2023 tab, which does not produce an error but doesn’t show any requirement progress. I click on the 2014 tab and see the following:

Whoops! We encountered an error trying to process your request.
Please go to Scoutbook Bugs - Scouting Forums to report this issue.

The Scout SB User ID is posted in the first comment on this post. Unfortunately, all of the Scouts’ MB progress were v2014 reqs, because when they started work on the MB, it was prior to the v2023 reqs taking affect (first earned req was Sep 1, 2022).

For an extra data point, I ran a report to show that Scout’s progress in the Swimming MB (ref: PD-20240827123950-134673-421743). It now shows a proper report with v2024, v2023 and v2014 reqs, with v2014 showing as 68% complete. This is good, but it’s also read-only.

When I try to perform “Quick Entry for Swimming Merit Badge” and select “2014”, the Scout’s name is disabled, preventing me from entering their newly-earned v2014 reqs.

@MarkDezelon I can setup a screenshare if you want

and looking where the scout stands - I think they have completed 2024

I’d be up for a screenshare. I’m available today until 5pm EDT and tomorrow after 1pm EDT.

I will send you a direct message > look at top right Avatar to find it > it will be a green envelope > it will be a private message channel with select members of the Scoutbook User Advisory Council (SUAC)

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Thanks, @DonovanMcNeil, for the screenshare. Marking the MB as complete with the v2024 reqs appears to have fixed the relevant problem of giving the Scout credit for reqs earned.

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@MarkDezelon Devs did identify an issue and made a story - we are not sure if or when it will be worked - thanks for reporting it

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