Bug Fixes
- Removed long series of dots for history bar
New Features
- You can search for a meeting by name now.
- You can now drag and drop to rearrange your meetings schedule.
- Den Leader Experience will now display the Scouts’ pictures that are in Scoutbook instead of an avatar (if there is a picture in Scoutbook.)
- Notification when editing a meeting if meeting overlaps another (this is cautionary and not restrictive)
- Alert when setting up den meetings that it is undoable
- Running nightly catch up when a Scout is added to a den. They will show up in attendance next day
- Added an informative message instead of error for certain actions
- Added back/forth arrows on desktop when trying to edit meeting
- When the den leader clicks on the meeting in the den calendar in the Den Leader Experience, there is a option to “add to calendar” This places the DLE meeting on another calendar outside of Scoutbook, e.g., yahoo, gmail, ical, google, etc. When the meeting is added to the 3rd party calendar via this link, a link is created in the 3rd party calendar meeting that links back to Den Leader Experience. When that link is clicked, the user is directed to the log in page. (Simply put, it’s a url added to any meeting you choose to add to your non-Scoutbook calendar which directs you back to log in to DLE.)