I tried logging in service hours for a pack litter project. Once logged in, I had 2 choices: 1) enter Eagle project and 2) review past projects. There was no option to enter new, non-Eagle service projects. Anyone else experience this or know why this may be happening??
This was moved over a year ago to scoutbook.scouting.org under Activities
Our council just told us to go to my.scouting.org and we just went to the old “Service hour reporting site”
So,I need to enter each person individually? Am I able to enter hours for siblings and adults?
And thanks, I asked council on Saturday and I haven’t heard back yet : (
Like Donovan said, this changed over a year ago. So the direction your council gave your unit (and assuming all of the units) is not correct. Please let them know they need to update their direction.
The following help pages might be, well, helpful. And they seem largely up to date.
- Recording Activities in Internet Advancement (IA)
- How Do I Record a Unit Activity Using Internet Advancement (IA)
- Introduction to Internet Advancement (IA)
Once you create an event, you can add scouts/leaders to it, and even customize the number of hours each earned. The service log also has fields for hours provided by siblings/others, as the old JTE service hours site had.
That said, this all assumes everything’s working. I know there have been a few bugs lately with the location and some other fields. Hopefully they’re fixed or will be soon.
No, it’s not nearly as bad as that… You create the event in the activity log, then you get a pop-up list of the registered youth and adults in the unit, and a space to enter the number of non-registered people that volunteered and number of hours they volunteered:
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