Appears JTE Service Hours reporting is broken

I was trying to enter our Service Hours for JTE. They have moved the reporting of hours to Internet Advancement. The main problem with this move is the old way actually worked and the input of service hours in the IA does not. I hope to be able to soon catch up and get these hours entered. Any ideas of when this will happen?

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@TommyDeweese - here is an overview guide:

Well, that is all fine and good but when I try to input the hours I get a message that says the JTE Hours Input system is non-functional.

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The JTE system is no longer used. All service hours are now input via Internet Advancement.

@TommyDeweese - what is your position or role in the unit ?

I am currently the Scoutmaster.

Yes I know. I am talking about IA not working.


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To help clarify, I have and can log into IA and record Hiking. I tried entering JTE Service hours today into IA JTE Service Hours and the system said it was not functional.

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PS…I have been the Scoutmaster since the Troop was formed…not new.

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@TommyDeweese - I just tried to enter a service project and this is what I see:
That is from Activities Menu at the left, then the Plus which lists Camping Hikes and Service Hours.

If you are talking about that now only has Eagle project hours.

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