Setting up a New Den

Hello all, I’m setting up a new den in scoutbook Den Leader Experience. I have three scouts currently, and antipcate adding a few more over the next few weeks. However, until new scouts are added, we are starting this week with our first Den Meeting.

I have completed the set up new den process in den leader experience. All the required meetings are there, and I have adjusted dates as necessary. I am also going to be adding electives.

My question is, as I add new scouts to the den over the next few weeks, will these meetings and events automatically populate on their calendars?

How does that process work? Do I have to add these as new meetings each week, or do they show automatically?



The developers tell me they are automatically added to the calendar events. I’m not a DLE user, so I’m not certain what that looks like. Let us know if you have additional questions.

Thanks. So I will assume after a new member is added, they will see on their calendar all the events that are upcoming, and I will not have to add each event to each new scout.

That’s my understanding

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