Some Swim dates not showing on Roster

We have 3 Scouts in the new Troop who are also in a Venturing Crew. They took the Swim test last year with the Crew, and again this year with the Troop. We updated the date in their profiles. When we create a roster showing swim status and date, they are shown as swimmers, but no date is shown, while the other new Scouts who took the test have a current date shown. Any thoughts?


I have not heard of this issue before. I can report it but first, can you verify that these 3 Scouts have an approved membership in the Troop (green shield next to the troop entry on their Membership Page) and there is a date for the last swim test in their profiles?

Interesting. All have a date for last swim test in their profiles. Two are approved, one is sort of not (maybe a different issue?)

Elisabeth - please check the scouts the show the lack of approval on their page for leadership positions. Please approve their position and try again.

I have approved the position of the Scout, so that issue is fixed. However, I still have the issue with Swim Dates.