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I started using the calendar in Scoutbook for our troop and have it connected to my Google calendar, but it only shows the first event that was created. is there a way to subscribe to the calendar rather than import it?
Click the subscribe link on the calendar page to get the link you need to subscribe to. Note that Google only updates subscribed calendars once every 24 hours.
I did this and used that. The event still is not showing up. It’s strange b/c I deleted the calendar and resubscribed and the event does not show up. The one for yesterday does. Right now there are only 2 events.
It’s odd. My Google calendar is showing everything that’s currently on our Scoutbook calendar. Do you have more than one calendar in Scoutbook (e.g. unit and patrol/den)? Scoutbook automatically shows you everything that you’re invited to in Upcoming Events, no matter which calendar it’s on. However, each Scoutbook calendar is a separate iCal link, so you have to subscribe to all of the ones for which you might be invited to an event (e.g. troop and patrol calendars).