Suspended 18 yrs old - see SB record?

Have a unit asking about one of their 18 yr olds who didn’t take YPT within 30 days of turning 18. We suspended them, so they no longer show on the My.Scouting roster. Do they see their own records in Scoutbook, ie merit badges etc. Or is that hidden, too?
We know when they finally register, and are adults, they won’t see their youth advancement stuff, but will they see their nights camped, etc?

Marian McQuaid
Spirit of Adventure


That’s a good question. We have never had this issue come up.

I would think log data would remain visible. They are supposed to be able to run their own BSA History Report to get a list of everything recorded in the SB DB.

If I log in as 19 son - out of all scouts - I can pull History report for all the data and can run Eagle App - no Advancement tab so cannot see individual MBs, etc.

Thank you! Will pass the word to the Scout and unit.

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