Out of Sync records

I had posted this a couple of weeks back. But it is just now past the 7 days since last communication on the thread. So I am posting this again.

Our unit started with Scout book this spring but stopped. Now we are back again and have an issue. The scout records synced in March but the data enter into Internet Advancement is not on the scout records. We are entering the newest advancement but do not want to double up entry on everything entered since March.

How do we get the Scout book records to get back in synch with the scout records?

Yes. They are approved members.

No. No yellow bar.

Yes. They have BSA numbers.

And it is not everything after a date. A scout finished a snow sports mb in late March and it is not there. But the camping mb and Star rank earned in late May is showing up.

I was told to email scoutbook.support@scouting.org.and enter a ticket. I did but received nothing back. The ticket number is Scoutbook Support Incident SSD-74616. In that ticket I included the list of 9 scouts who have some items missing and what items they were. We had a court of honor in June and the missing items were earned between March and June. Some items for the same scouts earned in late April/May do appear as do items earned before March. But there is just this missing period of time.

I would continue to work through the ticket with scoutbook.support. Switching back and forth between ScoutBook and Internet Advancement has not been totally tested, and is strongly discouraged.

I took a look at this and poked some staff on it

No. Internet Advancement is out now and Scoutbook is in. It is just that someone who had no experience with Scoutbook looked at it and created a Troop subscription when it became free but did not choose to continue with it. I had experiece for years with Scoutbook and entered the unit later and many enhancements had been made. So it was picked back up. We will continue with Scoutbook going forward. We just need to find the missing items for Eagle board of review and like and we are afraid entering this into Scoutbook will mess up the true scout records at National with duplicate items.

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