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@PaulGardner1, I sit on a number of Eagle Scout Boards of Review in my district as the Council Representative. If any of the dates on the ESRA do not match what is on the Scout’s advancement history report, or what the Council Staff see on their screens, we do not schedule the Board until it is fixed. Once I am in the Board of Review, the only dates I care about, except for the Eagle Rank requirements, are the dates each Rank and Merit Badge were completed. If I have any questions about the dates for the Eagle Requirements, I simply go to the Scout’s Handbook.
I am hoping you are not in NCAC, because if you are I will be glad to give the Council Rep on that Board a piece of my mind.
Now putting on my Troop hat. In our Troop, we have a number of Scouts who only have the more recent rank requriements filled in. We have NEVER asked the Scouts to go back and fill in the dates for requriements for older ranks. When Scouts transfered into our Troop from other Councils, where there Troop did not use SB, we simply used the dates on the Member Summary report our of IA or from the Council Office. There is no benefit to us, or the Scout, at that point.
Thanks. I’ve been inquiring more about that BOR, and it seems that the individuals who told me about it made it a bigger issue that it was. After reading all the responses, I brought the issue up to my Committee Chairman. He told me not to worry about the requirement dates and concentrate on ensuring the rank and MB dates are correct.
In the interest of not causing problems where none exist, I’m withholding my Council :), but thanks volunteering to straighten out whomever it may have been. I appreciate it.