The provided Member ID does not match the existing user profile (error)


I moved over to a new council and my new council assigned me a new scouter ID. I initially didn’t realize this and all of my YPT and other training has been done under my old ID. I have not been successful in adding my current ID to my scouting account. When I go to the “Manage Member ID” section, it shows my old council and old ID. I tried adding the new ID my new council gave me and I get the following error “The provided Member ID does not match the existing user profile.” We’ve been fighting with this all week and my local council office has not been able to resolve it. I was told they put a ticket in but so far, I still cannot merge the ID into this one.

I did a search on this specific topic and found this forum. I was pleased to see an admin was familiar with this error and was able to resolve the issue for someone else as they had access to the database and could see things the councils couldn’t. Would any one here be able to help me with this?

My OLD ID is 113924475 . My NEW ID is 135647913. Council is Mt. Baker, Everett, WA.

Thanks for any help you guys can give me. This has been going on over a year now and my council
can’t seem to fix it so I can merger my new ID into my current account.


Jason Bishop

My first guess would be that there’s a mismatch in your name or birthdate in one of the records.

@radiokingpin new council combined your first last name - I will add your old MID to Manage Member ID for you and clean up Scoutbook Users

@radiokingpin OK your are all set

Can you fix mine too, please? Im having the same problem.

@RachelDeRouchie post your BSA # and we can look

Member ID1306865 and 12943320

@RachelDeRouchie I will send you a direct message > look at top right Avatar to find it > it will be a green dot with a number 1 > it will be a private message channel with select members of the Scoutbook User Advisory Council (SUAC)

I am having the same issue with my sons account his number according to his scout master is 136866498 and on the my.scouting it is 14109987.

@DanielAlexander1 I will send you a direct message > look at top right Avatar to find it > it will be a green dot with a number 1 > it will be a private message channel with select members of the Scoutbook User Advisory Council (SUAC)

I am having the same problem as describe in this thread. Is this something a user can fix on their own or do they need someone with elevated privileges to resolve it?

Thank you for any guidance you can provide.

@ClaudiaVinnedge Could you please describe what issue you are having?

I have a leader who transferred in from another council. So she has two IDs. When we try to have her add her new ID to her existing profile she gets the following error:
The provided Member ID does not match the existing user profile

I believe the issue is that the new council spelled her first name wrong and now the profiles don’t match (that is my speculation).

All her training is listed under her old council profile. We are trying to sync the accounts so she doesn’t have to retake all the training.

Let me know if you need more details. I can also provide you her member IDs via a private message if needed.

@ClaudiaVinnedge If you could please provide one of the BSA member ID numbers.

(No names, please)

that is the original council number

@ClaudiaVinnedge She is currently registered in 2 councils, but I expect she will be dropped from the old council at Recharter.

I think her training has been copied onto her new BSA member ID number.

Thank you very much!
She is actually intentionally registered in both councils. They moved closer to our council but is close enough to still be involved in the other council so she will maintain both memberships at least through next year.
Are her accounts synced now or will any changes to one account still need to be ported over separately?

I just checked and I do see all her training now under the new council which is great. However, I do still have one more critical question. It still says she is not committee member trained but she is from the old council. In digging a little further I noticed she has all the required training but the numbers don’t match up. I listed below an example of some differences. Are these really separate courses that she needs to retake or can I go in and update any training that matches in title but not number? Or is there some other way for them to be matched?

Below is copy and pasted from the site so I didn’t alter the titles at all

Two examples of her existing completed record:
SCO_432 - Annual Troop Program Planning for Scouts BSA
SCO_402 - Aims and Methods of Boy Scouting

Two examples of what it says she needs to be position trained:
SCO_472 - Aims and Methods of Scouts BSA
SCO_473 - Annual Troop Program Planning

Thank you so much for all the help you have already provided!

The way the system is designed, you are only trained using old training requirements if you also held that position at the time. So, if I took training for a role but never held that position until after they changed, I’m not trained. That’s basically what’s going on here, because:

  1. The system treats each member number as a different person
  2. The system treats different course numbers as different courses.

The (new) council could submit a ticket to national on the hopes that they’ll agree and mark her trained.

Thank you! I will discuss this with our council to see if they are willing to submit a ticket.

Again I appreciate all the help I have received on this matter.

Thank you!