Three Member ID's for One User - Can Data Be Merged Under One ID?

Hello, @DonovanMcNeil. I have three separate BSA Member ID’s listed under my.scouting account. 8990575 (primary), 136579793 and 136579849. Is it possible to have the data associated with each ID merged under the primary ID? I’d like to avoid jumping back and forth. Having multiple ID’s has also caused issues with registering and linking my youth children over the years. Any and all help is appreciated.

MIDs cannot be merged - managed is the best right now - as far as registrations - I recommend that you contact your local council and ask them to use the Registrar Tools to look up your children. When they look up your children, they want to check your children’s “User Relationship” and make sure that your children are connected to you as parent with Only your correct BSA member ID number that you can log into normally .

All trainings merge to the Primary MID under management, but relationships do not.

If you are registered in 2 councils at once there is no way around this

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I just had the children associated with my main ID. Thanks for the response. I figured that might be the case. Appreciate the confirmation.

Make take 24 hours to be totally complete with syncs