Welcome! This forum has a treasure trove of great info – Scouters helping Scouters! Just a heads up, though - all content, information, and opinions shared on this forum are those of the author, not the BSA.
For some reason, I have 3 SB ID’s and 2 BSA Member ID’s, all linked to the same email. I need help merging these before passing on the role of Cubmaster and adding myself to my other childrens’ units as a leader. Each account seems to have different important info associated with it, so I’m concerned about losing position history, training history, or links to my kids or scouts in my den when they are merged. Please help!
Account #1:SB User ID#1315440, BSA ID#133376124 - this is the account that is linked as a parent to my 3 children, and that I actively use as a Den Leader
Accoubt #2:SB User ID # 12474071, BSA ID# 134904822 - this is the account which shows me listed as Cubmaster, and is my active rechartered ID
Account #3:SB User ID # 12202472, BSA ID# - None- This ID/Account was never used/set up, however it still shows in the unit roster and gives me an error about my email address when I log into Scoutbook.
@JamesBennett2 Please contact your local council and ask them to use their Registrar Tools to look up your child (or children). In the “Relationships” section, you should be listed as parent only under BSA 134904822. They should remove you if you are listed as parent under any other number. Otherwise, your BSA member numbers might get switched at Recharter.
So if I can have my unit admin or council staff correct the relationship to my children to the correct ID, can you help merge the accounts? Or do I need to have the council staff take caremof that as well?
@JamesBennett2 I merged your Scoutbook accounts last night.
The parent / child Relationships that I am talking about are in my.scouting - not Scoutbook. When you log in at my.scouting and go to “My Applications”, you should see your children listed there under your primary BSA member number. Your local council has to make the change using their Registrar Tools.