Tiger Adult has 2 profiles, and can't access scout properly

We have a Tiger Adult Partner that is still having an issue with getting connected to his Scout.
He somehow has 2 profiles set up in Scoutbook. Council tried to fix but may have made it worse.

  1. one has his BSA member ID as 14060093 and his user id is 12242446
  2. the other has BSA ID 137507785 and User ID is 12204484

#1 has his proper info but has a bsa set e-mail address of [changemyemail@scoutbook.com]

#2 has his proper email address, but he can’t connect to his scout with it.
[e-mail address removed by Moderator]

I am not sure which profile is correct, but I know the one that shows he is connected to his scout, he can’t access.
Please delete #2 and add his email address to #1 so he can properly get invited and linked to his Scout.
If necessary, delete both profiles and I will start over with him.

Thank you,
Tim Rudolph
Cubmaster Pack 205

@TimothyRudolph This should be fixed now. I would recommend that he log in at my.scouting and double check his date of birth.

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