Transfer Adult Leaders to Another Troop?

With the new registration/renewal system, are we no longer able to transfer adults from a Pack to a Troop through my.scouting? The Cubmaster received a “Only Youth Members may be transferred at this time.” message, but I’m unsure whether this is temporary or SOP until further notice.

In this case, what’s the best way to handle that transfer? Having the leader multiple with the Troop through Although, in that case, won’t they also now sit on the Pack roster until they expire?

It might be faster to find out from the registrar if they would prefer a “paper” application for the transfer vs a call later to change the “multiple” to “primary” and drop the previous (i.e. pack). Unless there is an all-digital way to change which position is primary. Hopefully someone else has better data than I do, though.

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@JennyGoguen - I think the leaders may be able to transfer themselves via I see this under my applications

i had a leader from the pack transfer in that way and the COR had to approve it.


Huh- interesting. I just checked and I don’t have that option for my memberships. I went to Menu > My Application > Transfer/Multiple Applications and I can see those options on my 2 kids, but not my own.

@JennyGoguen - beyond that there is nobody on the forums that would support my.scouting, so I would reach out to your council for guidance. And have those leaders check to see if that would work for them

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