Transfer AOL scouts from pack to troop

I am the ACM for our pack and the CC for our troop. We have two AOL patrols in the pack. All 17 boys are going to the same troop. Can I transfer an entire patrol at once from the pack to the troop or do I have to transfer one scout at a time? I have all the necessary rights to move/transfer scouts. I have moved a single scout at a time last year. I was looking for a fast way to transfer them all after cross over.

MYST Transfer tool.pdf (194.6 KB)

Page 2 has the leader info

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@DonovanMcNeil I followed these instructions. The transfer seems to have happened, but I have a warning showing up on his screen. Screen Shot 2021-08-15 at 10.19.02 AM

@JamesBishop1 - I am gathering you are seeing that in scoutbook. You could go to the scout then membership click on the new current troop membership and approve and update.

@JamesBishop1 did you just do this? I see the membership in troop but it is not complete yet. It might just take some time

Is there a difference if the parent does the AOL transfer ( vs the the Pack Cubmaster or a Pack Key 3 delegate ( Or is it the same? Does it eliminate the need for a paper transfer application to be submitted to council for the AOL scout to transfer to Troop?

well parents or pack can use - no paper needed - better than beascout

MYST Transfer tool.pdf (222.1 KB)

MYST Transfer tool Unit.pdf (191.2 KB)

Thanks! I see the steps in your attachments work for scouts transferring with the same council. or a paper transfer application would have to be used if changing councils during the transfer.

Of note, scout(s) may only be tied to one parent/guardian and can only be seen in that parent/guardian’s>menu->my application.

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