Transfer Error from pack

A pack has initiated a transfer of a Cub Scout to our troop who recently crossed over. I can see their transfer ap on my dashboard in membership manager. However, when I click accept and get an error. I have tried on both laptop and mobile and another key3 also tried to accept the scout, with the same error. It does not indicate the error, just a little window comes up that says error. Below is the application ID associated with the transfer.


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@JoshuaMann We do not have the ability to look up applications.

If you have the Scout’s BSA member number, we can look that up. (No names, please.)

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@JoshuaMann - was thus done as an in council transfer?

Standby. Asking pack for it. Thanks!

Yes, in council. Had no issues with other scouts this year.

What does the error say?

Is it possible that it is a duplicate transfer application? If you try and accept an application for a scout that you have already accepted and is on your roster, you will get an error message. We have been having a HUGE problem with pack leaders generating duplicate transfers. Our council has submitted a a ticket to BSA IT because of the problem. It seems that after you transfer a scout and it brings you back to the roster screen, the scout or scouts that you just transferred are still selected, so when you select the next scout or group of scouts to transfer, the system creates a second transfer application for the first scout(s).


Bothing else.

137118168 is the scouts BSA ID.

@JoshuaMann I do not see what I would usually see of an uncompleted application. Have you tried pulling the scout in?

MYST Transfer in tool Unit.pdf (94.8 KB)

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@JoshuaMann The issue might be because a parent or guardian is not connected to the Scout at my.scouting.

Reach out to your local council and see if they can use their Registrar Tools to add a parent in the “Relationships” section.

I am getting the same generic “error” with no explanation. We were able to transfer 3/4 scouts from the Pack to our Troop but this last scout is getting this error message. It is not a duplicate transfer submission. (I am also the Pack Committee chair and I’m aware of the duplicate submission error so I was very careful to submit each only once.) He is an 11 year old scout but has earned AOL. Our Council registrar suggested marking the AOL award as ‘Awarded’ within Scoutbook and then wait for the sync in 24 hours to try accepting the application again. She said this worked for another unit in our Council. Anyway - something to try!

@AngeleBoudreaux If you would like to post the Scout’s BSA member number, we can take a look. (No names, please)

I just tried using the MYST tool mentioned above and it said “Success”!! That worked! Thank you for the offer though. I’ll share the MYST transfer PDF that was shared above with our council registrar. Not sure what the ‘error’ is and likely others will start having the same issue as more scouts crossover this Spring.

THIS Worked for me! Thank you!

I also have a transfer error. An AOL being transferred to our troop out-of-council was transferred to a troop in that council and not to our council. I wasn’t aware of it until after we followed the correct directions for out-of-council transfers initiated by the parent. Once the parent did the transfer, I accepted it. Now that they synced with scoutbook, I see 2 current registrations, one for Troop 48 in Washington Crossing, which is correct, and one for Troop 48 in Cradle of Liberty which is wrong (and they were never actually in that troop). What is the best way to remove the Cradle of Liberty Troop 48 membership for this scout so that it’s handled in Scoutbook and BSA registration? The BSA ID for the scout is 140847232.

@RyanPankoe This Scout is not currently registered in Cradle of Liberty Council.

I would recommend that you go to:

[Scout]'s Membership

Click on the troop membership in Cradle of Liberty Council. Add an end date that is the same as the start date, and then that membership should be ended in Scoutbook.

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