My son (BSA Member ID:130970760) recently transferred schools from Circle Ten Troop 70 to BSA Troop 1889, and would like to either create a dual membership or if necessary transfer councils. Can you advise on how to do this in Scoutbook, as most of the online options appear to be geared toward in-council transfers. Thank you.
In our council you have to do it through the council itself for a transfer from one council to another. If the Troops are in the same council it can be done in the system by going to my.scouting and selecting your scout to be dual enrolled or transferred. Or the new troop can transfer your scout in with all the required information, I believe that is name, member ID # and birthday. Good luck.
@DanielDrabinski I would recommend talking to your local council about how to do it.
If you want to do a transfer, you can probably do that through If you want to do a multiple unit registration in 2 different councils, you might need to do a paper application.
Also, be aware that there can be complications associated with being multiple-registered across councils. The current systems are not well-designed to support this, so there can be a lot of juggling involved and unexpected software behavior. That’s not to say “don’t do it”, just “go in with your eyes open and ask lots of questions about how it works in the software.”