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I’m sure this situation is quite common but I have limited forum search skills to find the right answer here.
We moved and my son wants to transfer from current (or soon to be “old”) troop unit/council to a new troop unit/council.
However, he still has a few merit badges to finish with his old unit.
Should we do a “transfer” or “multiple” given that he still needs to finish the MBs in the old unit? (New unit has online registration in my.scouting.org, and we were presented with these 2 options.)
What fees are associated with a “transfer” vs a “multiple” to the new unit? As a “multiple” with another council, do we have to pay a separate council fee?
Should we log all activities (hiking/camping/service hours) in the Scoutbook/Internet Advancement first with the old unit, before transferring to the new unit?
If we choose “multiple”, but really wants to transfer to the new unit by end of the year, do we simply NOT re-charter with the old unit, and instead continue to re-charter with the new unit?
First, thanks for the prompt response; really appreciate it.
Why does he need to finish MBs in old unit? just take the work to new unit
=> He has started MBs with a group of scouts from the old unit with counselors assigned already. The MBs are being signed off in Scoutbook, so the counselors, who are connected to him via Scoutbook, will still need to be able to “see” him in the old unit. That’s the reason I think he needs to stay in the old unit for a little while more (probably till end of the year).
fees depend on council and unit - with transfer the national fee would be covered and already paid - but some councils and units have their own fees
=>Thanks, it looks like the new unit does not have any additional fees.
The logs are more the Scouts than the units
=> Got it, thanks.
Yes you would not recharter
=> Understood, thanks!
We will probably “multiple” him for these few months till end of year when it’s time to re-charter, then we’ll just re-charter him only with the new unit.
Both SMs from the old & new units are very supportive; as a parent, I just don’t want to create any “logistics” overhead with the already very busy and dedicated SMs.
Merit Badge Counselors can stay connected to the Scout in Scoutbook. It doesn’t matter which unit he is in. Or the Scout can choose to work with new MBCs.