13762946 and 133642851 are still on our Scoutbook roster, 12901345, 133190262, 136490159, 133619713 are off the Scoutbook roster. I’m wondering if the troop recharter has not finalized and that’s why they are still showing on the pack my.scouting roster. I tied to do a transfer in my.scouting and the troop did not come up as a unit to which I could transfer.
So they were transferred via paper application? Unfortunately, those can take a while if the council registrar is behind on recharters. And they can also be delayed if the troop recharter had issues as was previously mentioned.
Yes it would have been paper since I can not initiate an online transfer to the troop. I just wondered why some of them would have moved off the roster in Scoutbook, but not all of them and if they would in fact come off the pack my.scouting roster once they completely transferred to the troop.
For the scouts who are no longer on your SB roster, it looks like the parents manually changed their membership from the pack to the troop within Scoutbook. I’d suggest doing the same for the other two until their registration is processed.
I have also confirmed that the troop recharter has not processed yet. As a note to any observers, the troop recharter date is 3/1/21. So, it’s not as far past as one might assume.